Sunday, May 23, 2010


SARDINE IS SO IMMATURE, IT'S NOT EVEN FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First of all, she told me that my hair was hideous. WELL THEN. I wanted to be all sarcastic and stuff and be all, "WELL MY HAIR DOESN'T LOOK LIKE AN ICE CREAM CONE!", but being the super mature person I am, I just told her she had a weird hairstyle going on.

Sabine basically told us that her sister was INSECURE and that's why she chose to call Vicki's hair ugly! Here are some pictures of Vicki because nobody calls my best sister UGLY WHEN SHE IS GORGEOUS. (I am gorgeous, too, because we are both great.)

Do you know what insecure means? Well, in case you aren't smart like us, it simply means that It simply means that you think you’re great because you have low self-esteem and that you don’t realize that we are the real great ones. First of all, we are the sun queens. That is a big responsibility to uphold and we have to uphold it. By being the sun queens, we have complete and unlimited access to the gallery of mirrors in the palace of Versailles. Yes, Sardine IS French, but she is not a sun queen and does not have privileges like we do.

Anyway, we are writing a book and it’s great. We will post excerpts here if you promise you won't plagiarize, copy, and/or call it your own because it's not yours. Be an original and come up with your own ideas. Don't be like Taylor. Please.

Nicki and Vicki